Wednesday, December 05, 2007

This is another week where I'm living in the real world, but not in such a way that it translates well to blogworld. It translates OK to Twitter-world, with it's short format and constant updating better than a format that seems to require more format.

Like a beginning, middle and end. Maybe a point.

The spouser is out of the country this week. I've pulled almost everything out of my messy, overwhelming work room. The first day I slowly pulled empty pieces of furniture in, arranging them in several ways to find this iteration of the perfect arrangement. I assessed lighting and lighting possibilities.

Day two I started sorting through all the STUFF I had in there. Was I going to use it? Really? Or have I merely been holding on to it because...

Because I spent money to get it;
Because it's pretty;
Because I've had for "x" years;
Because I might want to use something similar some day.

I have 11 boxes of stuff that I was holding onto for all the wrong reasons. (deep breathes there. I know many of you cannot imagine parting with perfectly good fabric or supplies that you've had for 10 years without using. Because you still think that someday you will. ) There probably still is stuff in there that I'm holding onto for the wrong reasons. But I'm making progress.

Today I hang the additional lights and continue putting away the things I'm choosing to keep. I hope to call a woman who will take these boxes and sell their content to raise money for charity.

Hopefully by tomorrow I will have a work space that I WANT to walk into. How long that lasts is the test of the design. We shall see. Photos will follow.

I also blog at: Deb's Daily Distractions and BlogHer on Mondays and Saturdays.

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