Friday, March 09, 2007


Tree. Taken during a walk at a new park in the area. Ya think my current visual obsession is gnarly trees??

First, thanks for all the great things you've said about the silk screen and the back story. Comments, gotta love 'em!

Yes, Rayna, I acknowledge that a thermofax screen of this would show more detail and be a stronger image. Still I don't own one and hate like hell to ask/pay others to make these for me. It's my stubborn independent streak. The resist method I can do on my own.

And to address part of what was yours (I think) and Gerrie's comment: the time involved. I liked the time spent working on this! Think of it as "slow-creating" ... like slow-cooking. It is a process that clearly puts the hand of the artist in the work. I actually think I will keep this as a technique and grow to cherish the time spent on this.

OK, Rayna may expand my thinking at our class next month. Can you believe it?? I get to spend 4 days with Rayna and Gerrie and others just next month!!

Next, I must say that I am every so happy to have baseball games available to listen to again. Spring training games, granted, but I dearly love to listen/watch my baseball games. Later today I am checking out the day games scheduled for the As, and intend to get back to seeing games live this year. (yeah, I could go to Giants games, too. Except I won't buy a ticket there until Bonds isn't with the team. Now if someone gave me a ticket to join them...)

Now on to the important stuff! Namely my March Horrorscope!

I have been actually living the horoscopes at Crazy Aunt Purl this year:

January: Imagine the future, don't relive the past.
February: Do not hide your head in the sand.

So what did Laurie come up with for us crabby crabs in March??
We Cancers tend to want love and affection and adoration, so we often substitute closeness and proximity and ... well, it's a poor substitute. I think the trick may be that in your friendships, your relationships, even with your family you give yourself some room and space to breathe.

All ya'll! Cancer, I know how you can be. Take the time away to be still and breathe and let a little air into your life.
Now my committed intention for this year is to increase my face time with folks in real life. So how do I accomplish that while "letting a little air into my life"??
  • Invite other people to come walk the dogs with me?? You know you're invited!
  • Work on quality alone time instead of just quantity alone time? (like actually spend it making some art?)
  • Interpret that "air time" more like "artist date" time??
Or did she mean to not settle for proximity when I yearn for adoration? To give myself time and space to get what I truly yearn for? To be able to name it??

I'm open to all interpretations.

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