Saturday, September 05, 2009

What HAVE I Been doing?

It's really been a couple weeks since the last time I posted? I'm surprised. It really doesn't feel that way.

I've felt a bit unfocused the last couple weeks (is it the weather? possibly -it's been hot; the alignment of the stars? Sure, why not. other stuff interfering with my concentration? Most definitely.) but I still thought I was at least managing to cut and paste my BlogHer posts here every week.

Another FAIL. Oh well.

What have I been doing? I wish I could say that I've been accomplishing a whole of stuff.

  1. I made a fun crown to wear at a friend's 60th birthday party. A couple evenings of just have fun creating!
  2. I discovered that my camera needs repair. The lens-she is breaking. Want to find a local camera shop to help me determine if it's worth fixing.
  3. I've gotten back on the sock knitting train. Don't know why I took most of the summer off. I need this one pair of socks done before the weather turns.
  4. I've been writing. Not a whole lot that I can point to at the moment- lots of draft work and guest blogging and such.
And I'm studying for a new certification. It's not hard work-but takes time to understand and internalize. God, some days my brain feels so old!

I also blog at: Weight for Deb and BlogHer on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

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