Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'm Fine, Really...

It has been pointed out to me that my normal amount of bloggarhea has been greatly curtailed as late. And a query if my health (mental or physical) was causing it made me decide that I must make a more concerted effort to update y'all on my life.

I'm busy. So I sometimes forget to blog. Sorry.

Let me use today as an example:
  • I woke up too early: 6 am. Came downstairs, got coffee, checked email and websites, made a couple comments, fed the dogs, took a bath. It was then almost 9 am.
  • Grocery shopped.
  • Walked the dogs.
  • Hung a load of clothes on the line to dry.
  • Went to the gym at 11 am. Worked out. Left said gym at 1 pm.
  • Drove to San Francisco to see my friend Sarah who gave me an old Mac! (Yes, you read that correctly, she gave me a Mac!). Over the Bay Bridge, down 101 and 280 and out near the Ocean.
  • Walked from her apartment down to the beach to look at the magnificence that is the Pacific Ocean.
  • Walked back up the hill to her house. (remember there was earlier this 1.5 hour workout). It has phased me not at all, as I am a lean, mean, kick-ass fit woman!
  • Drove home through Presidio Park, over the Golden Gate bridge, through Marin to the San Rafael Bridge to Richmond and home. A perfectly pretty round trip!
  • And now I'm home checking email, checking websites, commenting on a few, remembering to blog.
  • Next: dinner, a soak in the tub and most likely a early night to bed.
Tomorrow is bringing a roofer, a workout, and a night with friends. Who knows what else??

I also blog at: Deb's Daily Distractions and BlogHer on Mondays and Saturdays.

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