Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Gabrielle asked...

What would we do differently in our lives? A legitimate question that hopefully we can have a little fun with...

1. I'd TAKE that 3 year teaching job in Australia. This is the biggest regret in my life so far (and boy do I have things to be sorry about).

Even decades later, I can FEEL the fear that this decision would have made. And I can HEAR my mother giving me constant grief about it. It would have been the hardest step I ever took while living under my parents' roof. Heck, it would have the hardest step I ever took. And I wouldn't have had my parents' support. Oddly, it's more about my mother's verbal abuse that I didn't take this job... not about moving a continent away.

But in hindsight, I would have tried it.

2. I really would love to say that I wouldn't let FEAR stop me as much as it did. But it can be such a debilitating experience. I need something about this tattooed inside my eyelids so I can see it regularly.

3. I would have not gotten involved with one (nameless) man... or two. OK, three!

4. I wouldn't have given myself that permanent in 1983. Or 1998. Hmm.. a 15 year pattern. I WILL make a note of this for 2113.

5. I'm with Gabrielle... forget The Artist's Way. (though I do love the occasional Artist's Date).

6. I'd have watched my diet more closely. And continued with my tai chi. I LOVED my first tai chi teacher and haven't found anyone else who's class I like.

7. I wouldn't have let statements by other destroy my confidence.

8. I'd have stayed BLONDE, even if I could achieve that chemically. Loreal 7A, I think.

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