Pt. Pinole (the park), is the site of a former explosives plant. They have manufacturing and homes here. Then Bethlehem Steel bought the land, but never developed it. Thank goodness. This is the most gorgeous land in the area, and should be available to all.
So, we begin in the parking lot: The first time you come here, at about this point you think: Where's The Park everyone exclaims about?

But your walk down the path, cross the bridge and things look more hopeful.

Next to the picnic area, we head down this treelined path.

And the end, a picnic table gives us a place to rest. It stands in front of cement stoop of a long-gone employee bungalow.

Last bit of open space. Who says walking with dogs is slow? I'm doing 3.5 MPH and I can't keep up. Yes, that's both Katy and Jake way up ahead.

First, a stop for a drink at the service yard. Isn't this park fabulous?? They have 4 of these water spots for animals through the park. Note the large tank in the back for horses.

A half mile down.. a half mile more to go. More tree lined path.

This marsh is the last bit.

Katy "waits" for me. Jake is running to the water.

And we're Swimming!!

Yum!! Canine Sushi Bar!

And now a word from our sponsor: This is a Chuck-It. It throws tennis balls. Really far. Without hurting your arm. And it picks them up too. If you know anyone with a Lab, Border Collie or other "ball crazy" dog... get them one. Enough said.

Back to nature. There is nobody in sight.

I live over there somewhere...

See the sky? Nice and blue. The fog as pulled away from the park.

But see those "clouds" on the horizon there? That's the fog hanging over Berkeley.

That's all folks. Thanks for joining us on our walk in the park.
You mean you don't like to pick up a slobbery, dirty, wet, sandy, sticky, slimey, tennis ball? I can't imagine why!
What a lovely walk!
It's not that I don't like picking them up...
I blew out my shoulder in '93, and I can't throw a ball more than about 10'. With the chuck it, it goes about 40 yards.
(well, and it's nice that I don't touch it...)
Thank you for showing us the area where you live. It is lovely.
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