Tuesday, March 14, 2006

They Like It!!

Just got an email from Anne Copeland who IS Fiberarts Connection of Southern Cal. and she likes Spheres of Influence!! Wheewh!! I know she wouldn't send it back and tell me it's a piece of crap... but still, I had that "daydream" occasionally. Now I want to get on with more pieces!!

YES, I'm working on the next design.

Katy had some minor surgery yesterday, so I'm acting as nurse this week. She has a genetic condition that caused half her lower eyelids to roll into her eyes. The lashes would stick on her cornea, irritating things and making her eyes water all the time. So yesterday she got an eye tuck.

Fortunately, she doesn't have a whole lot of recovery for this surgery: an e collar for a couple days, and some salve in her eyes for a week. Still, she's awkward with the collar on, and probably a bit uncomfortable.
(edited 2 pm.)
ToDo Tuesday: Finish Laundry (done); walk the dogs (done); continue the handwork on 4 Conversations (done this week.)

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