Saturday, September 30, 2006

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig


Can four little letters be so filled with meaning and joy and personality? We are glad to be back under our own roof.

Fabulous Pickle-pal Janice who drove us to the airport 3 weeks ago made 2 (two!!) trips back down to the fetch us home again. Yeah, I never actually wrote which day we were flying in; she drove down Thursday and forgave me enough to drive down again on Friday!! Talk about good friends!!! Give a hand to the Janice. (you saw her studio studio back in August).

The dogs are home from the boarder. There is a tale to tell there for another day. Let me just say that one is a lucky human who can find someone like Bonnie the Boarder. She is a keeper. The dogs got needed baths and a nice pack nap. Now they're busy napping in all their old spots.

I now have reliable internet, a tv with a remote and cable, and HOLY HEALTHY EATHING, BATMAN!!! a counter and fridge filled with healthy, colorful fruits and vegetables!! Every color of the rainbow (I think).. but no white potatoes. We've had our fill of those things enough to last until 2007. We are home.

Today I really need to catch up on my blogs. I've read my regular every day reads... but almost nothing else. I'd written post for BlogHer mostly before I left, but now I need fresh stuff.

I also need to pay attention to the gardens. Tomatoes need picking (some trashing); weeds need pulling, and something happened to the lawn (it's brown!! I swear I left the irrigation system on!) Between these two and about 30 programs on Tivo, I think I've got my weekend planned out.

How about you?

Check out my other blog: Deb's Daily Distractions

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